Turning 65 in the Next Year?

Where did the time go? Seems like you were just getting out of high school, and now your friends are talking up the 50th reunion in a few years. Geez! So here you are,  on the cusp of the BIG 6 – 5!! And maybe even retirement. Congratulations!

One thing you’re probably already aware of by now is that when you turn 65 next year you will be eligible for Medicare. Hopefully you’ve been keeping up with my articles, or maybe you made a note to read them later since you “aren’t quite there yet”. But trust me, now is the time to you really need to be on top of this whole Medicare thing, what it entails, what it doesn’t, and what you need to consider.

So here’s a quick checklist and some basic things for you to think about. I’m attaching a link to the accompanying blog so you can read more if you need to.

Fasten your seat belt, here we go:

  1. Call your local Social Security Office to sign up. You will get your Medicare card 90 days before your birth month. https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/how-to-sign-up-for-medicare/
  2. If you’ve decided you are also going to retire from work when you turn 65 your employer MAY need to fill out a Form #CMS L564 (Request for Employment Information) https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/retiring-and-how-to-get-medicare/
  3. If you plan to continue your full-time job and want to DELAY Medicare you must be covered by a Group Health Coverage.  https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/should-i-sign-up-for-medicare/
  4. Be aware of what Medicare does NOT pay – the Gaps of Medicare. You need to know what your deductibles are in Part A & B per hospital visit, and per year. https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/gaps-of-medicare/
  5. Get your drugs covered! You can get your Part D drug coverage as “stand alone” drug plan or get a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C).  https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/getting-prescription-drug-coverage/
  6. If you are married and your spouse is older, or younger, your coverage may not start at the same time so plan for this! https://garysmithmedicareagency.net/marriage-and-medicare-decisions-for-retiring-couples/

Remember, this is a basic checklist but it will get you started. And don’t worry – if you have questions or don’t understand something give us a call (228) 762-3334.

We are here to guide you every step of the way; it’s why we put the CARE in Medicare. Now go plan that big birthday party!



Gary Smith - Breakdown Book

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